NPCs Are People Too
My work in video games has been predominantly as a “satelite team” having worked on Far Cry 3, Deep Down and Thief in this capacity. However from a young age I have developped several video game IPs based on stories, films and other ideas. I still hope to one day produce these games and for now am enjoying the privilege of working with the Assassin’s Creed team, having poured my soul into Bayek of Siwa on AC: Origins. I worked mostly with Felix Etienne-Rocque but had eyes on the overall narrative as I was tasked with making Bayek a true “poet of the kill”.
I currently am still working with Ubisoft on bringing human emotion, great stories and memorable moments and characters to their video games and enjoy the passion, art and love that fans, designers and these giant studios still find for the art of video game making.